gui_components module

Components of the GUI.

class gui_components.ButtonsWidget(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: wx.BoxSizer

Widget containing the control buttons.

  • parent – parent window.

  • on_run – function to handle event of pressing run button.

  • on_continue – function to handle event of pressing continue button.

class gui_components.Canvas(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: wx.glcanvas.GLCanvas

Handle all drawing operations.

This class contains functions for drawing onto the canvas. It also contains handlers for events relating to the canvas.

  • parent – parent window.

  • id – unique id.

  • pos – position of canvas.

  • size – size of canvas.

  • devices – instance of the devices.Devices() class.

  • network – instance of the network.Network() class.

  • monitors – instance of the monitors.Monitors() class.

draw_signal(signal, offset, colour_index)

Draw line for a given signal.


Configure and initialise OpenGL context.


Handle mouse events.


Handle paint event.


Handle canvas resize event.

Forces reconfiguration of the viewport, modelview and projection matrices on the next paint event.


Handle all drawing operations.

render_text(text, x_pos, y_pos)

Handle text drawing operations.

class gui_components.ConnectionsWidget(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: wx.BoxSizer

Widget containing controls to add and remove connections.

  • parent – parent window.

  • names – instance of the names.Names() class.

  • devices – instance of the devices.Devices() class.

  • network – instance of the network.Network() class.

add_connection(device1_id, pin1_id, device2_id, pin2_id)

Add a connection between input of device1 and output of device2.

break_connection(device1_id, pin1_id, device2_id, pin2_id)

Break an existing connection.


Handle event of user pressing connect button.

If all three dropdowns are not selected, error is shown.

If all three dropdowns are selected, attempt to create the given connection.


Handle event of user pressing disconnect button.

If all three dropdowns are not selected, error is shown.

If all three dropdowns are selected, attempt to destroy the given connection.


Refresh dropdown for input pin on selection of input device.

class gui_components.Console(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: wx.TextCtrl

Console component.

The console redirects from stdout.


parent – parent window.


Write string to console.

class gui_components.CyclesWidget(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: wx.BoxSizer

Sizer containing ‘Cycles’ text and number selector.


parent – parent window


Get the current cycle selector value.

class gui_components.MenuBar(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: wx.MenuBar

Menu bar component.

Handles file load and help.

  • parent (wx.Frame) – parent window

  • file_opened (bool) – whether there is a file loaded, if not a file dialogue will appear

  • on_file (Callback) – function to load new logic description files

HelpID = 110
OpenID = 998
handle_file_open() None

Call callback function if file selected.

on_menu(event) None

Handle menu events.

If Open button is selected, file dialog opens to select a .txt description file. If Help button is selected, web browser is opened to GitHub readme.

open_file_dialog() Union[None, str]

Open the file dialog.


path – Returns None if user cancels

Return type

Union[None, str]

class gui_components.MonitorWidget(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: wx.ScrolledWindow

Scrolled window for monitors.

All devices are listed, with a button for each to toggle monitoring.

  • parent – parent window

  • cycles_completed – list containing number of cycles completed

  • names – instance of the names.Names() class.

  • devices – instance of the devices.Devices() class.

  • network – instance of the network.Network() class.

  • monitors – instance of the monitors.Monitors() class.

monitor_command(device_id, port)

Set the specified monitor.


Handle toggle monitor state of output.

If output is being monitored, button says ‘Remove’. If output is not being monitored, button says ‘Add’.

zap_command(device_id, pin)

Remove the specified monitor.

class gui_components.StatusBar(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: wx.StatusBar

Status bar to display cycle count.


parent – parent window.

push_cycle_count(cycle_completed: int)

Push the current cycle count to status bar.

class gui_components.SwitchWidget(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: wx.ScrolledWindow

Scrollable window for switches.

  • parent – parent window.

  • names – instance of the names.Names() class.

  • devices – instance of the devices.Devices() class.


Handle event when user presses a button to toggle switch value.

Text on button changes between On/Off depending on state.